Miscellaneous illustrations

Cover for the booklet related to the project "Green Health" Project - Make a difference", awareness campaign for the conscious use and no waste of the drugs.
The "Green Health" project was implemented by the ban Environment 2012 "Towards Zero Waste" of CON IL SUD Foundation and has had important partners, including AIFA, the Italian Medicines Agency.

Original illustration for the playbill of the performance "Il mostro gentile", by G. Fiori, 2014; digital painting

"Lecce nella fantasia: la sua pietra di origine marina, le sue faune fossili" (I imagined my town  as if it was under water - just like this region was, in the Miocene period - with its fossil faunas coming out of the stone of the buildings and swimming around in the streets), 2014, digital painting; donated to the M.A.X. Museum in Chiasso, CH. 

The same painting above, published in the italian site of National Geographic Magazine http://www.nationalgeographic.it/scienza/2014/03/20/foto/viaggio_nel_tempo_i_paleoartisti-2058143/12/#media 

"N'yamala, the mysterious african living dinosaur", illustration for the magazine"Mistero", feb 2014, Edizioni Fivestore - RTI S.p.A., Cologno Monzese (MI), 2013; digital painting; (all rights reserved)

 "N'yamala, the mysterious african living dinosaur" (detail), illustration for the magazine"Mistero", feb 2014, Edizioni Fivestore - RTI S.p.A., Cologno Monzese (MI), 2013; digital painting; (all rights reserved)

"Emela Ntouka, the african cryptid", illustration for the magazine"Mistero", feb 2014, Edizioni Fivestore - RTI S.p.A., Cologno Monzese (MI), 2013; digital painting; (all rights reserved)

"Emela Ntouka, the african cryptid" (detail), illustration for the magazine"Mistero", feb 2014, Edizioni Fivestore - RTI S.p.A., Cologno Monzese (MI), 2013; digital painting; (all rights reserved)

Illustration for the article "Un plesiosauro a Loch Ness" (text and images by A. Gennari), for "Philomath News - the Philomat's journal", sept. 2013; pencil on paper, cm 15 x 15.

The writer Giuseppe Fiori, 2013; digital painting (portrait painted on commission)

"The finding of St.Augustine Monster, 1897", illustration for the magazine"Mistero", nov. 2013, Edizioni Fivestore - RTI S.p.A., Cologno Monzese (MI), 2013; digital painting; (all rights reserved)

"Cos'รจ il vero, nella mente dell'artista'" , in memory of the 40th anniversary of Pablo Picasso's death, on exhibition at the Art Gallery "Dentro l'Arte", Novara, Italy, 2013; acrilic colours on canvas, cm 50 x 35.

"Cadborosaurus, sighting near South Pender in 1934", illustration for the magazine"Mistero", oct. 2013, Edizioni Fivestore - RTI S.p.A., Cologno Monzese (MI), 2013; digital painting; (all rights reserved)

 Illustration for the cover of the magazine "Il Pepeverde" # 51, Il Pepeverde, Agnani (FR), 2012; digital painting (all rights reserved)

 Illustration for the series "Calendula", by R.Barletta, Edizioni del Grifo, Lecce, 2011; ink on paper and digital painting; cm. 21 x 29 (©  by Edizioni Grifo)

 Illustration for the picture book "Phantomas", by G. Fiori, Manni Editore, San Cesario di Lecce, 2010; ink on paper and digital painting; cm 29 x 42 (©  by Manni Editore)http://www.lospaziobianco.it/31089-alberto-gennari-mondi-dipinti-colori-sogni

 Illustration for the picture book "I predoni del deserto", by E.Detti, Manni Editore, San Cesario di Lecce, 2010; ink on paper and digital painting; cm 29 x 42 (©  by Manni Editore)

 Illustration for the picture book "I predoni del deserto", by E.Detti, Manni Editore, San Cesario di Lecce, 2010; ink on paper and digital painting; cm 21 x 29 (©  by Manni Editore)

Allegorical illustration that mimics the artistic style of Michelangelo, for a publication by Prof. Ferdinando Boero of the University of Salento. Concept by Prof.Boero, 2009; pencil and watercolour on parchment;cm 21x29

Commemorative portrait of the scientist Charles Darwin, for the "Darwin Day 2009" (commissioned by Prof. F. Boero of the University of Salento), 2009; pencil on paper; cm 15 x 20

Illustration for the picture book "Felixlandia", by L.Darpe,Kollemata, Lecce, 2006; pencil and watercolours on pasteboard; cm 32 x 29 (all rights reserved)

 Illustration for the picture book "Faitu", by L.Darpe,Kollemata, Lecce, 2006; pencil and watercolours on pasteboard; cm 32 x 29 (all rights reserved)

Collection Card for the comic book series "Wetworks", WildStorm Productions/Image Comics, USA, 1996; acrilic colours on pasteboard; cm 15 x 21 (all rights reserved)

 Demonstrative illustration for the series "Savage Dragon",Image Comics,1995; acrilic colours on pasteboard; cm 29 x 21 (all rights reserved)

 Commemorative illustration for Freddy Mercury, for the magazine "Tutto", Mondadori, Milano, 1995; acrylic colours on pasteboard; cm 30 x 21 (©  by Mondadori Editore)

Illustration for the picture book "Danza alla Luna", by A.Capone, Liberty Book, Salsomaggiore, 1995; ink on pasteboard; cm 32 x 31 (©  by Liberty Book)

 Illustration for the picture book "Danza alla Luna", by A.Capone, Liberty Book, Salsomaggiore, 1995; ink on pasteboard; cm 32 x 29 (©  by Liberty Book)

 Illustration for a poster about "Lazarus Ledd", a comic books character by A.Capone, Edizioni Star Comics, 1994,Perugia; acrylic colours on pasteboard; cm 40 x 40 (all rights reserved)